In this tutorial you are going to see how to make audio waveform visualization using shotcut

first import video & audio files. Add video track on timeline. Drag & drop video on timeline. Add one more video track. Drag and drop audio file on this video track. Click on the play button to check it.
Add audio waveform visualization-
Click on filters. Click on audio on video track. In filters search box type audio. Click on audio waveform visualization.
Change the size of the box by dragging it’s corners. Drag & drop it where you want it to appear on screen.
Click on the play button to check it. To change the thickness drag the thickness slider to the right side. To fill the area under the spectrum select fill option.
Add color-
To change the waveform color click on pick color option and pick color from screen. Or click on colorbox and choose color & click ok button. Same way you can change the background color.
So this way we can do audio visualization using shotcut.