In this video you are going to see how to use filter effects. In Which we are going to see how to make black an white video, how to use blur in videopad, or make video negative or make it sharpen.

Black and white effect –
Fist select the clip on the sequence then on home tab click on the video effects and if you want to create a black and white video under filters click on black and white effect. To apply the effect check the checkbox next to enable option.
Blur effect-
Now if you want to blur out image or entire video under filters click on the blur effect. From here you can select the preset click on the options to check them. You can see the preview of the effect in clip preview panel. Or you can drag the slider to change the blurriness. To remove the applied effect click on delete effect.
Negative effect –
If you want to make your picture look like negative under filters click on negative. To apply the effect check the check box next to enable. And to remove the effect click on the delete effect.
Sharpen effect-
Now if you want to sharpen the details of the picture or the video under filters click on sharpen effect. You can choose effect from presets just click on it to check them in clip preview panel. Or you can drag the slider to decide the sharpness.
Remove applied effect-
If you want to remove the applied effect click on delete effect.
So this is how we can add filter effects using Videopad.
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