In this tutorial you are going to see how to use blending and color correction effects. In which we are going to see how to do color adjustments in videopad, how to use auto level and temperature effects.

Auto levels effect –
To add the effect click on the clip on the sequence, and on home tab click on the video effects. Under blending and color correction click on auto levels in effects window under auto levels check the checkbox next to enable to activate the effect.
How To Do Color Adjustments videopad? –
If you want you can do color adjustment for that click on video effects and click on color adjustment to change the the contrast drag the contrast slider. Same way you can drag the gama slider. If you want you can click on hue click on preset option and click on cycle option.
Temperature effects –
Cool/warm effect To give cool or warm appearance to your video click on the video effects and click on temperature. On the preset click on the cool option and you can see the preview in clip preview panel. Click on the other options to check them once you like the effect click on it to apply it to your picture or the video. Once done click on the close button of the effects window.
So this way we can use blending and color correction effects in videopad.
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