In this video you are going to see how to make slow motion video using videopad and also how to play the video in reverse order.

First add your video on sequence. Click on the play button in sequence preview panel to check the video.
Change speed –
To change the video speed right click on the video clip on the sequence and click on change clip speed.
Slow motion
You can see here for normal speed video speed is set to 100% to create a slow motion video enter the speed less than the 100%; And click on set button. Now click on the play button to check it.
Now to speed up the video right click on the clip and click on change clip speed. To speed up the video enter the number greater than the 100% and click on set button. Click on the play button to check the video.
To change the video back to normal speed right click on it click on change clip speed. And set the speed 100% and click on set button.
Click on the play button to check it.
Reverse video –
Now if you want to play the video in reverse order right click on the clip on the sequence and click on reverse clip. Click on the play button to check the clip. So this way you can change the speed of the video and make fast or slow motion video in Videopad or can reverse the video.
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