In this video you are going to see how to split trim audio in cinelerra video editor.
First drag and drop video on timeline.
Play it in compositor.
Before editing any track don’t forget to arm(lock) other tracks.
First method to split/ cut-
Drag the playhead where you want to cut or split the audio track.
Click on edit menu & click on split / cut.
Select the part which you want to delete and hit delete key on keyboard.
Second method to split / cut audio-
Put the play head where you want to cut or split the audio track now hit the x key on keyboard to cut the track.
Select the part which you want to delete and hit delete key on keyboard.
Third method to split / cut-
Put the play head where you want to cut or split the audio track Click on split / cut icon.
Now let’s see how to trim audio tracks
First method to trim –
Select the part which you want to keep. Click on edit menu and click on trim selection.
Second method to trim-
Take your mouse pointer at the end of the track and when it changes to arrow,
Drag it towards the left side till you want to trim the audio.
Once everything is done don’t forget to play it to check it.
So this way we can split or trim audio using cinelerra.