In this post you are going to see how to save just audio from video as a mp3 file using cinelerra video editor.
First add the video which have audio, on timeline
Play it to check it.
The second video don’t have audio.
We are going to attach the audio to this video.
So first render audio only of the first video.
Click on file menu click on render
or hit shift+R key on keyboard.
Click on arrow of file format & click on MPEG Audio.
Choose the location to save the audio.
Click on look for file icon.
Go to the folder where you want to save it.
Give it a suitable name and click ok button.
Click on insertion arrow.
Click on any of the option you want.
Once everything is done click ok button to start rendering.
You can see only audio file got added to resources.
Play it to check it.
Now drag the video which don’t have audio on timeline.
Drag & drop the audio on audio track.
Play the video in compositor to check it.
So this way we can save as mp3 in cinelerra