In this video you are going to see how to use NCH software libraries to add clip art and sound effects into Videopad.

To download these things you will require internet connection.
To add clip art from the NCH software libraries right click on the bin and click on add images from NCH clip art library.
Click on the images folder to open it and you can see the clip arts are categorized in different folders. Click on one of the folder. To see the image click on name of it and if you want to download it to your computer click on the download button.
And you can see it will get added in the images bin. Click on the close button to close the window.
Next time if you want to use the same image right click on the bin and click on add images from NCH clip art library click on the folder and click on the image you have downloaded to your computer double click on it to add it to your project.
Import sound effects-
For that right click on the bin and click on add audio from NCH sound effect library click on sounds folder to open it click on any of the folder double click on the sound effect name to listen it.
Or click on the name and click on the play button under preview sound. If you want to download the sound effect to your computer click on the download button and you can see the sound effect will get added into audio files bin click on the close button to close the window.
Next time if you want to use the same sound effect right click on the bin and click on add audio from NCH sound effect library.
Click on the sound effect name and click on download button and immediately it will get added into audio files bin. You can use this clip art and sound effect just the way we normally use music and images.
So this way we can use NCH library in videopad.
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