In this video we will see how to download and install the awesome free to use video editor called Lightworks
In browser go to scroll the page to see it’s info. click on sign up and then click on log in.
To download the lightworks click on downlaods.
click on download button listed under your operating system name and download will begin
Once download is complete go to the folder where you have downloaded it.
Double click on it and it will open with package installer. Click on install package and it will begin the installation process.
If you have already installed this software on your system this box will show reinstall or remove package option here.

Once installaiton complete to start the lightworks from menu (in ubuntu) click on it’s name in the list in lightworks splash screen clcik on next
Enter your lightworks username and password and click on sign in you can see which license are active.
On next screen select a language and click on next.
Select the keyboard layout and click on next
Choose the the layout for lightworks and click on next.
if you want to play the tutorial clcik on the play button and it will open in the browser window.
Inside lightworks splash screen click on start.
Click on create a new project to start a new project. Click on restore an aarchived project to open prevoiusly saved project.
Click on user icon and click on sign out. click on yes.

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