In this post we are going to see how to add videos in windows movie maker.
Windows live movie maker is a free software available. Created by Microsoft for windows platform. You can use it to create awesome movies with it. It’s really simple to use just drag and drop sort of application. Not complex like other premium video editors, so anybody can use it and master this tool.
Just follow my tutorials and you will learn how to use this simple software. If You want to know, How to add videos in windows live movie maker? How to add photos in windows live movie maker? or How to import music in windows live movie maker. Read below.

1) Adding Videos,Pictures & Music
So let’s start, in very first part we will see how to import videos,pictures and music into work area. So letter we can start editing them.
Add Videos in Movie Maker
To add videos to windows live movie maker project click on home tab if it’s already not selected.
Click on add videos and photos or you can click on click here to browse for videos and photos option in work area.
From Add Videos and Photos dialogue box select the folder where you have kept your video clip which you want to edit select it and click open button.
Adding Pictures
To add pictures to your project first put the cursor where you want the picture to appear if you want it in the middle of clip first you will need to split the clip. For that put the cursor where you want to split the clip and right click it from pop up menu click on split option.
Then click on add videos and photos option from dialogue box select the folder where you have kept the pictures select one or if you want to select more than one picture hold on ctrl key on keyboard and click on pictures then click the open button.
Adding Music
To add music track to your entire project click on home tab click on Add music option under add music from pc click on add music go to the folder where you have kept the music select it and click open button.
If you want music to appear from specific point put your cursor at that position and click on add music under add music from pc click on add music at the current point option select the music track you want and click on open button.
How To Cut Video In Movie Maker