In this post we will see how to add title in movie maker.
Windows live movie maker is a free software available. Created by Microsoft for windows platform. You can use it to create awesome movies with it. It’s really simple to use just drag and drop sort of application. Not complex like other premium video editors. That’s why any body can use it and master this tool.
Just follow my windows movie maker tutorials and you will learn how to use this simple software. If you want to know How to add title in windows live movie maker? How to add subtitles or captions in windows live movie maker? How to make end scrolling credits ? Read below

In previous part we saw how to import (add) videos/photos and music to our work area. Now in this second part we will see how to add titles, captions and credits to it.
Adding Titles –
Just like any movie we watch in theater it got titles at the beginning of the movie just like that we can add titles at the beginning of our movie too. Not only at the beginning but you can add titles at the middle of your movie so you can create different sections in the movie and create titles for each of them.
So let’s see how to add title in the beginning. Click on home tab if it’s already not selected click on Title. If you want title to appear in middle of the movie for that first you will need to split the clip as I said title appear at the beginning of the clip so put your cursor where you want the title right click on it from popup menu click on split option. And then click on title.
Double click on title in work area or in preview pane. And edit the text. To give your title background color, Click on format tab if it’s not selected click on background color click on the color you want .
Just like that you can give text color to your title click on title, click on text color click on any color you want. To change font click on font family option click on font, to change font size click on font size and select the size. Click on bold or italic option if you want text to appear bold or italic. To give little animation type of look to your title click on format tab if it’s not selected click on any effect style from effect option.
Adding Captions –
Adding captions to the movie is so simple and interesting with windows live movie maker. Not only you can add the captions but you can decide where it should appear, how much space it can take and how the way should it appear in movie via choosing suitable effect. Background color option is not available for captions.
So let’s see how to add captions in our project. Play the video in preview pane and pause it where you want the caption to appear. Click on home tab if it’s not already selected then click on captions button. Edit the text. To give it a text color, font, and change it’s size make it bold or italic follow the steps I mentioned how to change the title.
You can drag and drop your caption anywhere in movie just click on it a rectangle border will appear with round handle just hold your left mouse button and drag the caption in preview pane anywhere you want it. To change it’s size you can drag it’s border to the length of the text.
While it’s selected click on format tab click on any effects available in effects. So your captions will get little animation.
Adding Credits –
Just like any movie we can add credits to our project. There are different credits options available for that in windows live movie maker. Like you can add director, starring, location and soundtrack credits as well as you can add your own credits via blank credits option.
So let’s see how to do that click on home tab click on credits(add credits) option it will appear at the end of our project at the end point of last clip in project. Double click in preview pane to edit the text of credits here you can say thanks for watching movie or you can add credits to other sites references you used in your project or any person name who have help you in making this movie.
As I said you can add director, starring, location, soundtrack credits for that click on credits little down arrow from sub menu click on choose the option you want and edit it.
Just like title or caption you can change it’s text color, font, font size make it bold or italic clicking on format tab. To give it effect click on any effect style in effect option.
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Add Transitions In Movie Maker