In this video you are going to see how to use chroma key in videopad. To remove the background from the subject of the video or the photo.

For that first add the video on sequence in which you want to add another object from the different video. Then add the video of the object with (green/blue background above previous video).
Remove background –
First we have to remove the background and for that we have to use the chroma key click on effects option on the clip or on home tab click on video effects under blending and color correction click on green screen.
For this effect main setting is the color click on the color option then click on the eye dropper option to pick the color from the clip you can see we got this color here now click on the ok button.
you can see the blue color has been removed from the background but we can still see little bit blue color on the image to remove this color entirely drag the slider and do the adjustment. You can see preview in clip preview panel.
Click on the sequence preview panel you can see now object is appearing in the video click on the play button to check it.
Change position –
If you want you can change the position of the object for that in effects window click on add effect option and click on the position now drag and drop the image wherever you want it to appear on the screen.
Scale/Change size-
To scale it click on add button and click on scale option drag the points to change the size of the image.
So this way we can use chroma key in videopad
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