In this tutorial we are going to see some of the features of kdenlive video editor

but before that I want to cover two important questions Number one is How much one have to pay to use it?- And answer is nothing it’s an open-source software that means you don’t need to pay anything to anyone to download, install and use it. Number second is on which operating system one can use it? The answer is it’s cross platform that means you can use it on Windows, Mac and Linux.
After knowing this let’s see some of it’s features.
1)Multi-track Audio/Video Editing-
As you can see you can add multiple audio or video tracks. that means it is very easy to create overlay videos with it, it will be very easy to create those videos where you want to add background music and narration.
2)Use any audio/video formats-
You don’t need to convert your audio or video to import it into Kdenlive it all most supports all the major audio and video formats. So it will save your whole lot of conversion time.
3)Customizable Interface-
You can change the interface as per the need of your project all these windows are docable that means you can move them anywhere you want them to appear on screen.
Do you like those titles which appears before or middle part of the video with Kdenlive you can create your own custom titles and not only that you can save them as template and you can use them in your future projects.
5)Many Effects And Transitions –
Dozens of effects are available ranging from color correction to audio adjustments as well as the standard transform options.
6)Automatic Backup-
Your project file is automatically backup every few minutes later that means if anything bad happens you won’t loose your work, the next time you will start Kdenlive you will get the backup copy of your project. So these are the some of the features of Kdenlive.
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