In this tutorial you will learn how to make slow motion video in kdenlive.

First add/import video in kdenlive. To check the clip, click on play button on clip monitor. You can see it’s a normal speed video. Fast motion- To make a fast motion video, right click on video in project bin click on clip jobs. Click on duplicate clip with speed change, to increase speed drag speed slider to the right side or enter value greater than 100 in speed box and click ok button. It will create a new video with speed change , to check the clip, click on play button on clip monitor. You can see speed has been increased. Slow motion- To create slow motion video right click on original video in project bin . Click on clip jobs, click on duplicate clip with speed change, this time drag the speed slider on left side or enter value less than 100 in speed box click on ok button. it will pop up a new message box if we have same name file in clip bin If you have clip with same name and click yes button here it will overwrite the existing clip, so click no button. Repeat previous steps to slower the speed of video this time give it another name and click ok button. It will create a new video with speed change. To check this clip click on play button on clip monitor. So this way you can create fast motion or slow motion aka time lapse video in kdenlive.
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