once you done editing it’s time to export the video but before that one more time check your video is just the way you want it.
Click on file menu and click on export. It will open export dialog box.
From format drop down choose the video format. From seuqence choose entire sequences as we want to export whole video / clips on timeline.
Keep other options as they are and click on export button.
Go to the place where you want to save the exported video give it a name and click ok.
Exporting only part of the video
Drag the playhead where you want to set in point. Go to edit menu and click on set in point.
Drag the playhead where you want to set out point., Go to edit menu and click on set out point.
Go to file menu and click on export to open export dialog box.
Select video format. From range this time select in to out to get only selected portion on timeline.
Click on export button give a name to video and click on ok button.