In this video we are going to see how to make countdown in kdenlive

Style:1 Right click inside project bin click on generators click on counter. Change the duration by clicking on the duration number. Select the counter style second to 0 from counter style dropdown. From sound dropdown select silent ( for no beep sound ) Once everything is set click on ok button. Go to the folder where you want to save this counter clip give it a name and click on save button. ( Counter clip will get added inside project bin.) Drag & drop the clip on timeline & check it in project monitor. Style:2 Select seconds to 1 from counter style dropdown. Save the counter clip. Drag & drop the clip on timeline and play it to check it. Style:3 Select seconds to 0 counter style. Check the count up option to start count down from 0. To turn off the background check no background option. To add background sound click on sound drop down option. Select 1khz beep each second. Once everything is set save the clip. Style:4 Select counter style seconds to 1 Check count up & no background options. From sound select 1khz beep before end. Save the counter clip.
So this way we can make countdown using kdenlive video editor.
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