In this part we are going to see how to add audio to video, how to remove audio from video and how to save only audio from the video in Videopad.

First add your video on sequence.
Add Audio-
Click on the audio files bin click on the audio track which you want to add drag and drop it on audio track Now click on the play button to check it. here if you want to increase the volume of the audio track just drag the volume of the audio track just drag the volume slider on the right side. If you want to decrease the volume of the audio track drag the slider on the left side or if you want to mute the audio track click on mute track option.
Remove audio-
To remove audio from the video first we have to detach the audio or unlink the audio from the video. For that click on the clip preview click on unlink audio and video and it will separate audio and video track.
Now to remove the audio from the video right click on the audio track and click on delete option.
There is another way to unlink the audio from the video for that right click on the audio track click on unlink from video. Now if you want to remove the audio track click on it and hit the delete key on keyboard. Now click on the play button to check the video.
Save audio from video-
First unlink the audio right click on the audio track and click on unlink from the video now to save the audio track as a separate file right click on it and click on save audio clip as a new file. And you can see our audio track has been saved under audio recordings click on it to check it.
So this way we can save audio using videopad
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