In this video you are going to see how to use artistic visual effects in videopad. In which we are going to see how to add old film effect to video using videopad, add border or add dots using videopad video editor.

Add border-
For that first click on the clip on sequence. On home tab click on video effects go to the artistic section.And click on border if you can change the width of the border by dragging the slider. Click on the eye dropper to take the color from video and click on ok button.
Add dots-
Again click on video effects go to the artistic section and click on dots and it will add dots on entire video. You can change the shape of the dots by clicking on this arrow and click on circle option. To change the color of dots click on the color option and click on color click on ok button to apply it.
Remove applied effect-
If you don’t like the effect click on delete effect option. Add glowing effect- To add the glow effect click on the video effects and go to the artistic section and click on glow option. To change the glowiness drag the slider on the left or the right side.
Old film effect-
Now if you want to make your video look like old film click on the video effects and go to to the artistic section and click on old film. To see the effect of the option enable it by clicking the checkbox and click on play button. If you want to remove the effect click on delete effect option. To see the preview of effects click on play button under clip preview panel.
So this way we can add artistic visual effects to video using videopad video editor.
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