In this tutorial we are going to see how to use motion and transform visual effects in videopad. In which we are going to see how to crop video, position,scale, pan & zooom and mirror effect.

How To Crop Video In Videopad –
On home tab click on the video effects under motion and transforms click on the crop. You can crop the image from all the four sides. For that drag the slider. Once done click on the close button.
If you want to position the image on the screen click on the video effects and click on position effect now drag the horizontal or the vertical slider to change the position of the image. Once done click on the close button.
If you want to change the size or you want to scale your picture click on the video effects and click on scale option and drag the horizontal and vertical slider.
Pan & Zoom-
If you want to add pan and zoom style to your picture click on video effects and click on video effects and click on pan and zoom in effects window under pan and zoom click on the preview effect check box. Click on the play button.
Now if you wan to add the mirror effect to your image click on the video effect and click on the mirror option. To change the direction of the mirror effect click on the direction. Once done click on the close button.
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