In this post we are going to see how to split screen video in videopad.

For that first add all your videos one above another on sequence arrange them properly on the sequence.
Split screen video in videopad
To create the split screen click on the first clip on the sequence and on home tab click on video effects click on split screen option. and in effects window choose the layout for your split screen here I am going to choose grid of 2*2. So it will split the screen in 4 section. Click on the section upon which you want video to appear. You can see the preview in clip preview panel.
Then click on the next video on the sequence in effects window click on the add button and click on split screen option again choose the same layout and click on the section where you want the video to appear.
Click on the next video on the sequence in effects window click on the add button and click on split screen option. click on the same layout and click on the section.
Once done close the effects window. Click on the play button to check it. Now click on the play button under sequence preview panel. Now you can see videos will appear on single screen.
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