In this post we are going to see how to save video as mp4 in videopad
Once you are done with editing it’s time to save our video into mp4 format and that’s what we are going to see in this part.

Click on the play button under sequence preview panel to check the video. To save the video to mp4 Click on export tab and click on video file Give it a suitable name to your video and if you want to change the folder where you want to save the video click on the browse button click on the folder and click on open button give it a suitable name to your video if you haven’t already and click on save button.
Now choose the format for your video click on the drop down arrow and click on the format which you want for your video. Here I am going to choose mp4 Now if you want to change the resolution of the video click on resolution drop down arrow and click on the resolution option which you want for your video.
The main important thing is this click on advanced encoder options click on compressor drop down arrow and select MPEG4 now click on the ok button once everything is done click on the create button. Once done click on the play button to check the video. So this way you can convert your video to mp4 in Videopad.
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