In this tutorial you are going to see the interface of kdenlive.

Title bar –
On the very top we got this titlebar it contains the name of the application and name of project by default it is set to untitled when we save our project the project name appears here. On the top right corner we have these three buttons to minimize, maximize and restore and to close the application.
Menu bar-
Below the title bar we got this menu bar menus each with specific purpose this one is to add clips this one is to hide or show the elements of the interface.
Extra tool bar –
Below menu bar we got this extra tool bar it contains commonly required tools so we don’t need to go to menus to find them we just can click on these buttons.
Project Bin –
On left side we got this project bin so whenever we import our media items liek videos, audios or images they got added inside the project bin. Suppose you have added video on the timeline and by mistake you delete it so you don’t need to import in again you can drag that video from the project bin on the timeline so it acts like a container which holds all our media item.
Here we got these different transitions and effects available to use. Monitor- Then on the right side we have this thing it is called the monitor when we view click inside project bin it switch to clip monitor and when we view the clip on tiemline it switches to project monitor.
Now below this we got this tiemline it is the main part of the video editor you can see there are different video and audio tracks and as I said before you can add as many as video or audio tracks in Kdenlive.
Then below this timeline we have statusbar it shows the status of our project like name of the clip and it’s duration. On status bar we have some tools we are going to see them when we will start to work on our project. So this is the interface of Kdenlive.
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