In this video we are going to see how to import media in Videopad. How to import pictures, videos and audios into videopad to edit them.
There are five different ways to do that so let’s see them one by one.

First Method
On home tab click on add files. Then go to the folder where you have kept the videos or pictures. Click on it and click on open button.
Second Method
Right click on the bin click on add files. Then go to the folder where you have kept the media files click on them and click on open button.
Third Method
Click on the menu icon click on file click on add files, go to the folder where you have kept the pictures click on it and click on open button.
Fourth Method
Hit Ctrl+M key on keyboard on the keyboard go to the folder where you have kept the media click on it and click on open button.
Fifth Method
Open the folder where you have kept the media select it and drag and drop them directly inside the bin.
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