In this video we are going to see how to take snapshot using kdenlive

First import the video clips in kdenlive. Play the clip in clip monitor. Pause the video where you want to take the snapshot. Now right click on the video click extract frame. Give it a name & click on save button. All snapshots will be saved only in png format. Go to the folder where you saved the image open it to check it. If you want the snapshot in current working project then do this. Play the clip in clip monitor and pause it where you want to take the snapshot. Right click on clip monitor. Click extract frame to project. Save the image. Image will appear directly inside current project bin. You can drag and drop the image clip on timeline to use it. ————————————————– First import the video clips in kdenlive. Play the clip in clip monitor. Pause the video where you want to take the snapshot. Now right click on the video click extract frame. Give it a name & click on save button. All snapshots will be saved only in png format. Go to the folder where you saved the image & open it to check it. If you want the snapshot in current working project then do this. Play the clip in clip monitor and pause it where you want to take the snapshot. Right click on clip monitor click extract frame to project. save the image. Image will appear directly inside current project bin.
So this way we can take snapshot in kdenlive.
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