In this tutorial you are going to see two different ways to install kdenlive video editor on Ubuntu opertation system.

First Method-
First open software boutique now click on sound and video.
Scroll little to see Kdenlive option. Under Kdenlive click on install button Then click on queue option.
Now to install the Kdenlive click on apply changes type the password and click authenticate and it will get installed on your system.
To check it click on menu and type Kdenlive click on it to check the version click on help and click on about Kdenlive. You can see it’s the latest version.
Second Method-
For this method you have to go to their website. Then click on download under cross distribution packages click on Appimage to begin the download click on this link. Depending upon your internet connection this will take little or no time. Once download completes go to the folder where you have downloaded it and right click on it click on properties and click on permissions tab check this checkbox allow executing file as program and click on close button. Now whenever you want to start the Kdenlive you have to double click on this icon, you can see our applicaiton is ready to use. So using these methods you can install Kdenlive on Ubuntu.
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