n this video we will see how to import video in kinemaster video editor.
Click on create new button to start a new project.
Select the aspect ratio and give a name to your project.
Click on next button to start the project
In media browser search the video on your device. Click on the video to add it on timeline.
Click on the play button to play it in preview window. Hold the play button to view it in full screen.
To get videos from asset store. Click on media then click on video assets & click on get videos.
Click on the category and check the list of videos.
Click on thumbnail and click on play button on video to check it.
Click on download button.
Once done click on close button to get back to assets folder.
You can see our downloaded videos will now be in video assets folder.
Click on the video to add it on timeline.
Click on back button to go back in media browser. Click on image assets if you want to add images.
Click on the image to add it on timeline.