In this post you are going to see how to use chroma key in openshot video editor that is how to use green screen videos.

First import files.
Drag & drop video on which you want to add chroma
key video.
Now drag & drop video upon which you want to add
chroma key effect.

You can see second video will overlaps our main video,
we don’t want that to happen.

Click on effects. Click & drag chroma key effect on clip. Click on the arrow of clip & click on properties.

Change the end field value to increase the duration of the clip. Close properties window.
Right click on effect on clip click on properties.
In properties click on key color. Click on pick screen color. Click on the screen in preview window to get the background color. (So chroma effect will remove that background) Click on OK button.

So this way we can use chroma key in openshot video editor

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