In this post we are going to see how to censor a video in videopad.
So you can hide any part of the video clip such as email addresses, passwords, faces, street address on anything which you don’t want to show in video.

First add video on the sequence. To censor a video on home tab click on video effect go to the filter section and click on censor option. In effects window make sure under censor enable option is checked.
And you can see we get this little rectangle If you don’t want the color for this effect click on blur option. And in clip preview panel drag and drop the shape upon the object which you want to hide.
You can change the position of shape by dragging the x and y sliders. Or in clip preview panel drag and drop the shape To increase the size of the shape drag the size slides or on clip preview panel drag these points to increase the size of the shape.
You can change the shape of effect for that click on shape option and click on oval. Click on play button to check the effect. Click on the stop button if you want to adjust the effect.
Then click on the clip preview panel and increase or decrease the size. And make sure your object is not popping out of the effect. Once done close the effects window.
Now if you want to hide another part of the video click on the video effects and under filters click on censor option. Now drag the shape upon the object which you want to hide and the repeat the previous steps. Once done close the effects window.
Now click the play button to check effect. So this way you can censor the video in Videopad.
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