In this tutorial learn how to use blur effect in kdenlive.

First import the video, drag and drop it on timeline click on play button to check it. Blur entire video – Click on effects and click on blur and hide Drag and drop blur effect on clip on timeline. click on view menu and click on properties to open properties window. To add blur effect drag amount slider towards right to increase and decrease it drag it to left. To add or remove edge select / deselect edge option. To remove effect from video click on delete effect button. Blur little part of video- To hide/blur little part of video click and drag obscure effect on video. To change it’s position enter values in x & y box. To change it’s height & width enter values in w & h box, to change the size you can drag the points to move it drag and drop it where you want it to appear.
So this way we can add blur effect in kdenlive.
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