In this tutorial you are going to see how to make lower thirds in kdenlive using inbuilt lower thirds templates.

First import the video in which you want to add lower third. Right click inside project bin and click on add template title. Click on template drop down and click on lower third options. Once you like the lower third template click on OK button. It will add template clip in project bin. Drag & drop this lower third clip above video track. Click on the play button to check it. Now to edit this lower third in project bin double click on the template. Now add the text which you want. Add shapes / images. Give color to text. Once everything is done click OK button. Click on save to title file. Now click on the play button to check it. If you want to edit the template double click on the template in project bin to edit. Once done click on OK button. Add wipe transition at beginning and before end for end transition add revert style to wipe transition. Click play button to check it.
So this way we can create lower thirds in kdenlive.
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