In this video you are going to see how to add the transitions in videopad.

By default Videopad doesn’t add transitions to videos and clips, so we have to add the transitions manually.
Add transitions-
For that click on set video transition on the clip from there you can choose any transition style for your clip. To see it’s preview hover your mouse cursor on any of the transition style. Once you like it click on it to apply it to your clip. Now click on the play button to check it.
Change duration of transition-
Clips which have transitions applied to them display the gray bar between two clips. You can change the duration of this transition by dragging this bar.
Change applied transition-
If you want to change the transition just click on the transition icon and click on any transition style. If you want to change the duration of the transition you can change it from here also.
Automatic / Random Transition-
If you don’t have the time to add transitions to each of the clip on the sequence first select all the clips on the sequence on home tab click on transition arrow and click on random option but before that set the duration here and click on random option. Now click on apply to all.
Remove transition-
If you want to remove the transition from the clip click on the transition icon and from the list click on no transition option to remove transition from all the clips on sequence first select all the clips on sequence by hitting Ctrl and A key on keyboard then on home tab click on transition option and click on very first option which is no transition, click apply to all, it will remove all the applied transition from each of the clip on sequence.
So this is how we can add transitions to video using videopad
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