In this tutorial learn how to add text to video using in kdenlive.

First import the video in which you want to add text. Drag & drop the video on timeline Click on the play button to check it. To add text right click inside project bin, click on add title clip, click on add text icon check the checkbox show background. So you can see where text will appear on screen. Add text- To add text click anywhere on the screen and type the text Move text- Click on selection tool to select and move the text. Now to move the text click on it and drag and drop it where you want it to appear. Font – To change the font of text select it then under properties click on font name. Font size- To change the font size click on font size up or down arrow to increase or decrease the font size. Color- To give it a color click on color and choose color click on ok. Rotate text- To rotate the text change the numbers in rotate x/y/z box. To undo rotation enter 0 in all three (x,y,z) boxes. Letter spacing – To change spacing between letters click on letter spacing option. Once done click on ok button. Text will not appear automatically on the video. To add the text drag and drop the title clip on above the video on timeline. So this way you can add text in kdenlive
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