In this video you are going to see how to add logo or watermark in video using videopad.

Add Logo To Video –
First add video on the sequence. To add logo click on the image in the images bin which you want to use as a logo or watermark and drag and drop it above the picture or the video on the sequence. To change the size of the logo click on the effects option on the clip or on home tab click on video effects and click on the scale option. In clip preview panel drag points to change the size of the logo.
Change position-
To change it’s position in effects window click on the add effect option and click on position click on the image and drag and drop it on the screen where you want it to appear. Now close the effects window. Click on the play button to check it.
If you want your logo to appear till the end of the video just hover your mouse cursor on the right edge of the clip and drag it to increase it’s duration.
Any time if you want to change the position or the size of the logo on the clip click on effects option and do the necessary adjustments. Once done click on the close button.
Add watermark to video using videopad
Now if you want to add the image as a watermark first add it on the sequence above the video. Then click on the add effects option on the clip in effects window click on add effect and click on transparency option from here you can select the presets or drag the slider to decide the opacity for your picture. So this way you can add logo or watermark to your video using Videopad.
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