In this post we are going to see how to draw on screen in ezvid video editor. So we can draw text, symbols.While recording our screen for tutorials or game plays.

So, if you want to know how to draw on screen while doing screen casting videos, so watch this video.

draw on screen in ezvid
How To Draw On Screen Using Ezvid

First click on capture screen. Then click on use advanced settings enable transparent mode & select capture area click on start advance capture now

Drag mouse on screen to select capture area on ezvid recorder you will see draw on your screen option click on it, it will show list of available shapes to draw
click on any of the shape to activate and click on screen to print it press escape key on keyboard to stop drawing

To make a custom shape click on brush icon and draw whatever shape you want to press esc key on keyboard to stop drawing.

click on stop button to stop screen capture
click on play button to check recording

record screen in ezvid

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